The Journey Begins
And so as one journey ends, another begins. As a senior in high school, the past four years have gone by in a flash. I am starting to realize that I will quickly be graduating in a few months and moving away for college. This for me presents a problem. I love clothes, almost too much. And I spend way too much money every month buying new outfits I feel as if I need. I even work at a clothing store, so I am constantly surrounded by clothes.
I've decided things need to change. I want to go into college with some money saved up, but also with stylish and trendy outfits I can wear. This is why I've decided that 2018 will be a year of many changes. As 2017 ends, I will be saying goodbye to my horrible spending habits, and hello to fashion on a budget. In the next few weeks, I plan on developing a plan, as well as goals for myself, so I can start my journey to being a not so broke, trendy college student.
Although this may be hard, I want to stick to my plan. It will take a lot of self control and accountability. This is why I've decided to blog my journey. Being able to show others how to dress when you are broke will hopefully encourage them to also cut their bad spending habits. I hope that I will not be alone in this journey, and that others will accompany me along the way.
Follow my journey on Instagram: